One question that plagues both new and experienced physicians is how they should apply for jobs. There are several options at their disposal like doing a physician job search online, go through a personal recruiter or just contact hospitals directly. There are other avenues like medical societies, communities and groups […]
Most Common Mistakes in Job Interviews
If you ever had to go on a job hunt, you are aware of how difficult it can be to get yourself an interview, especially when there are hundreds of candidates. The last thing you need is blowing the entire interview by making a costly gaffe, which immediately puts an […]
4 Online Business Degrees to Accelerate Your Career
Whether you’re taking the first step up the corporate ladder, or you’re already on your way up, online business degree programs are available that offer great professional and personal growth. Most classes can be taken anytime or anywhere in the world, so long as you have a laptop and a […]
Why LinkedIn Works Well for Entrepreneurs and Job Seekers
Using LinkedIn is one of the fastest growing online social media networks focused on building a database of professionals and individuals seeking higher positions and full-time careers. Understanding why LinkedIn is so successful requires a better platform of how the community work so you are sure you are moving in […]
Not-So-Temp: How A Good Staffing Agency Can Lead You To A Permanent Position
For many job seekers out there, the idea of working through a staffing agency is not immediately appealing. Many employers want to see that a potential candidate can commit to a company, so having that year or more of experience at one company seems better than learning through several experiences […]
What Should You Keep in Mind to Have a Career in Oracle/DBA?
Oracle is considered as the most complicated database in the world. A lot of training goes into mastering this database and only experience can help you becoming an expert Oracle professional. Oracle ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), computer applications and other enterprise applications are used by big […]
How to Become a Personal Tax Advisor
Personal tax advisors work with individuals and families for providing them guidance regarding current and future strategies that can be used for minimizing their tax liabilities and maximizing investment at the same time. Often, other roles are also integrated with this duty, which are typically associated with a personal finance […]
Some Interesting Facts About Speedlancer
The first ever freelancing platform to harness the power of the crowd for speed of delivery is Speedlancer. In simple terms, this online project platform enables users to outsource a number of tasks to experienced freelancers. The difference with Speedlancer is that all tasks must be completed within four hours. […]
General Job Description of a Financial Analyst
Today’s economy has become very uncertain so it has become more important than ever for people to have qualified professionals at hand who know how to handle finances. A financial analyst may also have other names such as a securities analyst or an investment analyst and are known to work […]
3 Reasons Recruiters Pick Your Resume (or Don’t)
Executive recruiters are on a mission: they have job orders from a client (the employer or organization who pays him) and his role is to fill that job order with the ideal candidate – not the pretty good applicant, or the person who has expertise that kind of sort of […]