
Marketing Ideas, Marketing Tips | The category of Marketing on Entrepreneur Blog publishes helpful tips and ideas in the Marketing niche.


The Power of Micro-Influencer Marketing

In marketing, bigger is not always better. In the case of social media influencers, you may want to choose micro influencers over macro. Studies show that influencer marketing outperforms typical branded content by almost three percent. Micro influencers can drive successful promotion at a lower, more efficient cost. To best […]

Social Media in Your Marketing

Social Media in Your Marketing

Your company pours a lot into advertising. After all, no one will find your business if you don’t give them open, obvious ways to do so. Social media can be one of your greatest marketing tools if you learn to use it right and reach the people of your intended audience.   As Patrick […]

Finding Accurate Data about Digital Marketing Industry to Make the Best Plans

Finding Accurate Data about Digital Marketing Industry to Make the Best Plans

Digital marketing is a useful tool for creating an online presence by expanding your product reach. It can be undertaken in various forms like websites, social media, search engine optimization, etc. Depending on the target customer and the company’s objective, you may select a suitable marketing technique. Having an understanding […]