Welcome to Your New Business 101. Today we will be talking about what your employees will expect when they begin working for your company. The reason this subject is so important is because employees today have options. They expect more out of businesses than in years past. If they do […]
Professional Tips
Professional Ideas, Professional Tips | The category of Professional Tips on Entrepreneur Blog MenaEntrepreneur.org publishes helpful professional tips and ideas in the business niche.
7 Tips for Globally Expanding Your Business
Are you ready to take your business overseas? It’s a bit more complicated than simply opening a new branch in a foreign country. Here are a few tips for handling an international expansion. 1. Know Where You’re Going Don’t just spin a globe and set up shop where your finger […]
Can A Reality TV Show Really Tell Us How to Be Better at Business?
The Apprentice on BBC has started its 11th series. It’s one of the BBCs most popular series every year. But should we use it as an educational tool for succeeding in business or merely see it as entertainment? Every candidate is unique and it could certainly be argued, some candidates […]
What’s Missing From Your Business Proposal Rough Draft?
A business proposal consolidates enormous amounts of data and information into a meaningful, persuasive narrative. However, many professionals tend to enthusiastically rush through the process because they are excited to get started. As illustrated below, a business proposal is like a resume, in that they both must be perfect and […]
How Can Jewelry Designers Become Entrepreneurs?
Manufacturing your own jewelry can be an amusing and relaxing hobby. However, sooner or later you will want other people to get to know about your work. When you decide to present your work to the eyes of the public and start selling it, you will become an entrepreneur. So, […]
The Art of the Startup: How to Make Sure you are Organized for Success
You’ve taken the giant defining leap to get your startup off the ground. The best thing you can do for your new business is to stay in control of that which you can control. Be organized. It’ll give you peace of mind and create a structure to easily manage the […]
Budding Business: How to Bring Your Startup to the Modern Age
You have a storefront and a great idea, and now you just need that idea to take off and attract customers—but the process hasn’t gone as quickly or as smoothly as you had hoped. So what can you do to make your business’s presence known and increase your clientele? You […]
Entrepreneur Ideas: Where are Your Organization Skills Lacking?
Being an entrepreneur is rewarding and can open a lot of doors, but there’s no doubt it can also be very challenging. Entrepreneurs face a host of continual problems, such as a high workload, demanding deadlines, and frustrating tasks. All hopeful entrepreneurs need to have the following four organizational skills […]
EMV Liability Shift: Everything Entrepreneurs Need to Know
EMV, which stands for the three organizations that developed the original specifications (Europay, MasterCard and Visa), is almost underway across the country to help cut down on credit card fraud. According to a 2013 Nilson Report, nearly half of all credit card fraud happens in the United States. The EMV […]
Make Office Automation Run For Your Organizational Demands
Having a great business automation system is critical to the success of any workplace. But what does office automation entail? Simply put, it entails making sure your business works efficiently and smoothly without risking problems over your basic everyday functions being harder to work with than necessary. A Brief Description […]