Other News

Are Our Industries Being Taken Over by Robots?

Robots are not a new concept however their integration into everyday life is becoming increasingly evident as major industries are starting to replace their workforce with androgynous workers.  It is not difficult to understand the appeal of robotic employees for businesses, as they can perform repetitive actions with skill, accuracy, […]

A Closer Look at Electronic Vaporizers

A device that’s designed for generating a particular substance in the form of vapor is called a vaporizer. A heating system is used by these mechanical devices, which serve a number of purpose these days. Previously, they were only used as humidifiers, but as these devices become electronic, they are […]

Securing the Endpoint

As any security professional will tell you, effective security compromises a defence in depth approach – implementing security at each layer of the OSI model and for every aspect of your business. Perimeter security is not as strong as it used to be, with the move to cloud computing assets […]

5 True Stories to Motivate and Inspire You

Everyone has a motivational story about how either they or someone they know overcame an obstacle to achieve greatness. Inspirational stories can help people having a tough time find the motivation to achieve and succeed no matter their personal situation. By taking a look at what others have accomplished, it’s […]

Google to Buy Mobile Payments Service

  According to the rumors circulating in the market, Google is in talks for acquiring Softcard, a mobile-payments company in a deal that would mean the search engine giant joining hands with the largest wireless carriers in the US for battling none other than Apple and the new Apple Pay […]